Tag: elections

Increase Voter Turnout for Parent Governor Elections with Choice Voting
September 10, 2024
School governance teams! Are you tired of low turnout during your parent governor elections? We totally get it

Unlocking the Potential of Choice Voting: More Than Just Governance in Schools!
As a school clerk or administrator, managing voting events can be a daunting task. From organising ballots to counting votes, it can take up valuable […]

The Case for Online Voting in UK Parent Governor Elections
May 10, 2024
The role of parent governors is paramount. These individuals represent the parent body, providing valuable insights and perspectives to shape the direction of the school.

No-deal Brexit: does latest parliamentary vote make it less likely?
July 22, 2019
No-deal Brexit: does latest parliamentary vote make it less likely? Chris Stafford, University of Nottingham MPs voted on July 18 to back an attempt to […]

Should the UK call time on fixed-term elections?
Should the UK call time on fixed-term elections? Ben Saunders, University of Southampton The UK is having what might be called a constitutional moment. In […]